• Arkiv

2020-05-30 DR MERCOLA ”Protocol Saves 98% of COVID Patients, Hidden by Media”


Dr Mercola delger MYCKET VIKTIG ARTIKEL World Wide 2020-05-29, citerar lösryckta delar ur dagens utskick från dr Mercola, citat



Protocol Saves 98% of COVID Patients, Hidden by Media



Five critical care physicians have developed a highly effective treatment protocol for COVID-19.


When used with more than 100 hospitalized patients, only two died – both in their 80s with advanced chronic conditions.

It’s a dream come true, but why won’t health officials adopt it?

The MATH+ Protocol

The MATH+ protocol7 calls for the use of three medicines, all of which need to be started within six hours of hospital admission:

  • Intravenous methylprednisolone, to suppress the immune system and prevent organ damage from cytokine storms — For mild hypoxia, 40 milligrams (mg) daily until off oxygen; moderate to severe illness, 80 mg bolus followed by 20 mg per day for seven days. On Day 8, switch to oral prednisone and taper down over the next six days.

  • Intravenous ascorbic acid (vitamin C), to control inflammation and prevent the development of leaky blood vessels in the lungs — 3 grams/100 ml every six hours for up to seven days.

  • Subcutaneous heparin (enoxaparin), to thin the blood and prevent blood clots — For mild to moderate illness, 40 mg to 60 mg daily until discharged.

Optional additions include thiamine, zinc and vitamin D. In addition to these medications, the protocol calls for high-flow nasal oxygen to avoid mechanical ventilation, ”which itself damages the lungs and is associated with a mortality rate approaching nearly 90% in some centers,” Kory notes.8

Together, this approach addresses the three core pathological processes seen in COVID-19, namely hyperinflammation, hypercoagulability of the blood, and hypoxia (shortness of breath due to low oxygenation).

COVID-19 Should Not Be Treated as ARDS



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