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Archive for september, 2020

2020-09-03 ”FDA skipping phase 3 trials on COVID vaccines, turning the American people into guinea pigs for Big Pharma’s high-profit medical experiments”

    Citerar lösryckta delar ur artikeln, citat   FDA clearing the way for hasty, untested vaccine that will constitute WAR CRIMES   FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn is under intense political pressure to get millions of vaccine doses out before the 2020 election and has said the agency will authorize a new covid-19 vaccine […]

2020-09-03 ”Countries that used hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 saw a 73% lower fatality rate, meaning Fauci, the CDC and the FDA have conspired to KILL tens of thousands of Americans in order to protect the lucrative vaccine industry”

    Citat   Countries that used hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 saw a 73% lower fatality rate, meaning Fauci, the CDC and the FDA have conspired to KILL tens of thousands of Americans in order to protect the lucrative vaccine industry   (Natural News) An ongoing study that keeps track of how the nations of the world […]

2020-09-03 ”Horrifying Video Shows Pregnant Mother Arrested For Facebook Post”

    Citat   Horrifying Video Shows Pregnant Mother Arrested For Facebook Post   This shocking video out of Australia shows a young, pregnant mother being arrested in her pajamas for a Facebook where she was planning an anti-lockdown protest.   Slut citat Se videon och sprid vidare https://banned.video/watch?id=5f4fafef838dfb0597e3897d  

2020-09-03 ”Human 2.0 Warning: Doctor Issues Wake Up Call To The World”

    Mycket allmänbildande, se videon om ca 22 minuter och sprid vidare i alla dina nätverk, citat   Human 2.0 Warning: Doctor Issues Wake Up Call To The World   Dr. Carrie Madej issues a wake up call to people around the world to the dangers of transhumanism, especially the genetically modifying RNA vaccines […]

2020-09-02 SVARA DOKTORN: Världshistoriens största – och dödligaste – bedrägeri….

    En högaktuell artikel av SVARA DOKTORN Sven-Erik Nordin, tidigare publicerad 2020-05-19,  citat   Världshistoriens största – och dödligaste – bedrägeri?   Följande information gör att många av världens politiska ledare, hälsoexperter, forskare och läkare kommer att framstå som fullkomligt okunniga och närmast galna. Därför blir denna text troligen också snabbt raderad. Men just […]

2020-09-02 ”FDA skipping phase 3 trials on COVID vaccines, turning the American people into guinea pigs for Big Pharma’s high-profit medical experiments”

    Citat   FDA skipping phase 3 trials on COVID vaccines, turning the American people into guinea pigs for Big Pharma’s high-profit medical experiments   (Natural News) The arrogance of those who worship vaccine science is on full display now. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just made a commitment to authorize millions of new […]

2020-09-02 ”Thanks to COVID-19, the sleazy, corrupt inner workings of the U.S. CDC are being exposed”

    Citerar lösryckta delar ur artikeln, citat;   Thanks to COVID-19, the sleazy, corrupt inner workings of the U.S. CDC are being exposed   Will the underlying health problems that drove up covid-19 mortality be addressed by the CDC?   The reason why underlying health problems, chronic disease and immune deficiency are not addressed […]

2020-09-02 Dr Mikael Nordfors tal från den historiska demonstrationen i London, ca 5 min in i denna inspelning

    Dr Mikael Nordfors tal från den historiska demonstrationen i London, ca 5 min in i denna inspelning   Bättre ljud och bild i denna version https://www.facebook.com/lori.mannino.10/videos/157374116000071/    

2020-09-02 ”Bobby Kennedy Details How Government Is Using Fear to Control You”

    Citat;   Bobby Kennedy Details How Government Is Using Fear to Control You   In a launch of a European-based branch of his U.S. organization, Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the global challenges to children’s health and safety on Friday, August 28, 2020, in Europe, warning people of how government […]

2020-09-01 ”CDC Changes Its Numbers — Only 6% of Pandemic Deaths Were COVID-19 Alone”

    Mycket viktig information om verkligheten, citat   CDC Changes Its Numbers — Only 6% of Pandemic Deaths Were COVID-19 Alone https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2020/08/31/cdc-changes-its-numbers-_1420_-only-6-of-pandemic-deaths-were-covid19-alone.aspx    

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