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SVERIGES REGERING och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare ”VACCIN” DÖDAR TSUNAMI 62





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Mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare är bevisligen utsatta för det största bedrägeriet i mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges historia

Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare










Nu arrangeras Första maj-tåget för Frihet och Sanning



– ”Det fjärde riket”. Införande av vaccinpass, repression av en dignitet vida överträffande Adolf Hitlers så kallade tredje rike.

Fascism i hela världen


Covid-19 injections are spreading new “variants” of coronavirus — More related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) death injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.


The COVID-19 Lies Gripping the World in Fear Vaccines Being Sold as a Ticket to Freedom People who stand to make countless billions out of COVID-19 vaccines are now selling them as a ticket to freedom, Hudson states:

“How convenient that we now have a logic that tells us that we need to vaccinate 7.8 billion people for a disease that has a mean survival rate of 99.95% for people under the age of 70. The profiteering here is naked. It is transparent.”


The Manmade Biowarfare Threat Continues –”Målet rättfärdigar medlen” – Den nazistiska kopplingen Total Extinction of Mankind is CloseTranslation: we want more nations to go into debt to buy our toxic vaccines and drugs using their own resources as collateral.


The globalists do this on purpose, coherent with their goals of global mass extermination.Walking biological time bombs all around us


Det viktigaste i en demokrati är tillit och sanningen

Sveriges Regering, Sveriges riksdag, Folkhälsomyndigheten Socialstyrelsen, Åklagarmyndigheten i Sverige(huvudkontoret) SBU, Läkemedelsverket, REGION VÄSTERNORRLAND, Sundsvalls kommun, UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, KUNGLIGA VETENSKAPS AKADEMIN, UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SVT/SR och alla Sveriges landsting/regioner, särskilt riktat till alla proffspolitiker/politiker i fullmäktige i alla landsting/regioner, får del av denna skrivelse


Denna skrivelse ska i laga ordning registreras av registrator hos alla makt- och myndighetsutövare som får del av denna kommunicerade skrivelse, begär dagboksblad med vändande e-post






Mycket viktig information och upplysning 

Delgivning om meddelat ansvar i Organiserat Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare utifrån meddelat ansvar i Corona bedrägeriet. Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare ska rannsakas inför domstol, du förstår strax varför.





Publicerat 2021-04-16 sprid vidare i alla dina nätverk, citat

Senaste nytt från Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich redogör för hur långt man kommit hittills avsett åtalet mot världens korrupta globalister.


Samtidigt passar han på att ”tipsa” världens politiker om att välja de ”rätta” rådgivarna att luta sig mot.


Annars dras de också med ner i träsket bland kriminella.

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Mycket viktig information, sprid vidare, lyssna och lär av Health Ranger Mike Adams, publicerat 2021-04-16, citat

How to lower your risk of BLOOD CLOTS from dangerous vaccines

Google översättning

Hur sänker du risken för blodproppar från farliga vacciner




Publicerat 2021-04-16, sprid vidare i alla dina nätverk, MYCKET VIKTIG INFORMARTION, citat

Covid-19 injections are spreading new “variants” of coronavirus

The illegitimate White House, in collusion with the mainstream media, is continuing to fearmonger with endless Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) propaganda, the latest narrative being that scary new “variants” of the alleged virus require more layers of masks and more vaccines. These so-called variants, however, are a direct product of Chinese Virus injections.

New research out of Tel Aviv University found that the South African variant, as they are calling it, is primarily showing up in people who have already been injected with the messenger RNA (mRNA) gene therapy syringe from Pfizer and BioNTech.

The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, indicates that the B.1.351 variant of Chinese germs is eight times more prevalent in people who were injected – 5.4 percent compared to 0.7 percent – versus people who are just saying no to the jab.

“We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group,” said Adi Stern from the school. “This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection.”

The study looked at 400 people who had received at least one shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech injection and who had also contracted a Kung Flu variant. This group was then compared to the same number of people who had become infected but were not injected with any chemicals for Chinese germs.

“It is the first in the world to be based on real-world data, showing that the vaccine is less effective against the South Africa variant, compared to both the original virus and the British variant,” stated Prof. Ran Balicer, director of research at Clalit Health Services, which also contributed to the study.

Covid-19 vaccines really are an IQ test

Researchers say they were shocked by the findings, seeing as how government officials the world over are insistent that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines will “cure” the plandemic once everybody receives them.

“Based on patterns in the general population, we would have expected just one case of the South African variant, but we saw eight,” expressed Stern to the Times of Israel. “Obviously, this result didn’t make me happy.”

“Even if the South African variant does break through the vaccine’s protection, it has not spread widely through the population.”

No corresponding data exists for the Moderna jab because that one was not included in the study. Our guess is that there would have been a similar outcome as Moderna’s injection contains the same technology as Pfizer’s.

“These preliminary findings necessitate close continued attention to the dissemination of this strain in Israel, emphasizing the need for epidemiological monitoring and systematic sequencing, in order to contain further spread of the South African variant in Israel,” Stern added.

“This means that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, though highly protective, probably does not provide the same level of protection against the South African (B.1.351) variant of the coronavirus.”

Despite these problems, Israel is continuing to push its residents to get injected in order to buy, sell and travel throughout the country. Israelis are being told they must obtain a “vaccine passport” in order to participate in the “new normal,” otherwise they will be relegated to second-class citizen status.

“I do not understand why people are getting the vaccine in the first place,” wrote one Epoch Times commenter.

“The COVID-19 death rate is one-tenth of 1%.

Allowing something to be put in your body that is not verified or certified is insane. There are about 320,000 viruses in the human body. Perhaps we should let nature take its course for this particular virus.”

Du läser mera


Du som läser och sprider vidare massutskicken förstår varför 1 maj 2021 kommer vara livsavgörande för nationen Sveriges alla medborgare

Nationen Sveriges medborgare kan inte längre lita på de icke TROVÄRDIGA inom Sveriges regering, riksdagen, alla Sveriges regioner(fd landsting), SVT/SR/TV4 och riksmedia, och stora delar av internet/alternativ media, du som läser massutskicket vet att det är den bistra verkligheten i nationen Sverige anno 2021.

Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Coronabedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare är uppenbart ett HOT och HAT mot nationen Sveriges medborgares liv, hälsa och framtida livskvalitet.


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Nu arrangeras Första maj-tåget för Frihet och Sanning




Publicerat av Gunnar Söderberg 2021-04-16, citat

Det ultimativa hotet

Vaccinpass fjärde riket

Övervakad Utestängd Nedtystad Egendomslös

Vaccinpass fjärde riket


Införande av vaccinpass, repression av en dignitet vida

överträffande Adolf Hitlers så kallade tredje rike.

Fascism i hela världen

—”Det fjärde riket”.

Ur diktsamlingen ”Livspoem 21” av


Gunnar Söderberg

[email protected]

Samhällsanalytiker i fem decennier/Samhällsvetare (Fil.pol.mag).

Fd statstjänsteman med uppdrag som aktuarie, chef och expert.

Politiker 2001-19 med uppdrag inom bland annat hälso- och sjukvård, regional utveckling, kultur samt revision.

Diverse politiska ordförandeposter såväl regionalt som lokalt.






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Dr Mercola publicerar 2021-04-17 en MYCKET VIKTIG ARTIKEL, läs hela artikeln, citerar lösryckta dela ur artikeln, citat

The COVID-19 Lies Gripping the World in Fear


The world is being needlessly crippled by fear due to a false narrative about risk, deaths, lockdowns and mask mandates. Escape their stronghold and find out why COVID-19 isn’t even a ‘novel’ virus – and why 81% of non-exposed people were still able to mount an immune response against it.


The Ugly Truth About COVID


The misinformation has been spewed from the beginning, including by World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. In a March 3, 2020, media briefing, he stated, “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”5


But according to Hudson, the 3.4% represents case fatality rate (CFR), which is the number of deaths from COVID-19 divided by the number of cases of COVID-19, while the 1% is infection fatality rate (IFR), or the number of deaths divided by all infected individuals.


“By conflating these two separate points (CFR and IFR),” Hudson said,

 “Tedros was effectively lying.”


Quantitative scientist John Ioannidis, professor of medicine at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, calculated the IFR for COVID-19 in a review of 61 seroprevalence studies, which was a median of 0.23%, and 0.05% in people younger than 70.6


The media have suppressed this fact, Hudson noted, along with the fact that there’s a 1,000 times difference in mortality among those younger than 19 and those older than 70 — something that should have been taken into account in the pandemic response.


One study even found that 81% of people not exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, were still able to mount an immune response against it, which “suggests at least some built-in immune protection from SARS-CoV-2 …”8


As for Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania, Hudson said, “the population fatality rate there almost isn’t an epidemic. In a typical year, they’d have 10,000 deaths per million from all causes.”

Lockdown Madness

Data compiled by PANDA also found no relationship between lockdowns and COVID-19 deaths per million people. The disease followed a trajectory of linear decline regardless of whether or not lockdowns were imposed.

What isn’t a lie, however, is that lockdowns cause a great deal of harm. Infant mortality, poverty, starvation and joblessness are on the rise, as are delays in medical treatment and diagnosis, psychological disorders among youth, suicide and deaths of despair.

Vaccines Being Sold as a Ticket to Freedom

People who stand to make countless billions out of COVID-19 vaccines are now selling them as a ticket to freedom, Hudson states:

“How convenient that we now have a logic that tells us that we need to vaccinate 7.8 billion people for a disease that has a mean survival rate of 99.95% for people under the age of 70. The profiteering here is naked. It is transparent.”


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Citat ur publicerad artikel 2021-04-16

Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders After All Three Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines

VAERS data released today showed 795 reports related to blood clotting disorders with 400 attributed to Pfizer, 337 to Moderna and 56 to Johnson & Johnson between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 8, 2021.




Publicerat 2021-04-16, läs hela artikeln, citerar lösryckta delar ur artikeln, citat

Spike proteins in Pfizer, Moderna Covid-19 vaccines linked to deadly blood clots, brain inflammation and heart attacks


mRNA “vaccine” spike proteins found to cross blood-brain barrier


Whelan provided a plethora of evidence and pertinent information to back his warning, which the FDA patently ignored. Instead, the FDA chose to rely on very limited clinical trial data provided by the jabs’ manufacturers as “evidence” that they are “safe and effective” enough to warrant an EUA designation.


The very next day, in fact, the FDA issued an EUA to Pfizer-BioNTech, effectively slapping Whelan in the face, along with the rest of America.

The FDA was dead-set on getting Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections distributed as quickly as possible, and nothing was going to get in the way of that.


A few days after Whelan submitted his letter to the FDA, the journal Nature Neuroscience determined that the commercially obtained Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) spike proteins (S1) found in vaccines readily cross the blood-brain barrier.


These spike proteins were found in all 11 regions of the brain that were examined, including the parenchymal brain space where functional tissue is located.


This easy entry of vaccine spike proteins into the brain could explain the diverse neurological effects that have been observed in conjunction with the jabs.


Such effects include encephalitis, respiratory difficulties and anosmia, or loss of smell. Researchers also found vaccine spike proteins in lung, spleen, kidney and liver tissue of mice.


A second study published not long after in the journal Neurobiology of Disease found that Chinese virus jab spike proteins have a direct negative impact on endothelial cells. This, that research team found, provides “plausible explanations” for the neurological consequences observed in some patients who test “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).


All of this and more is why Whelan expressed concerns to the FDA about the artificial spike proteins used in mRNA injections, which have the potential to damage major bodily organs.


More related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) death injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.


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Vem i hela världen låter sig ”vaccineras” efter att detta blir känt av världsbefolkningen och nationen Sveriges medborgare?



Ruggig läsning om verkligheten som döljts för den stora allmänheten och mänskligheten tilliks med nationen Sveriges medborgare av Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare, mycket viktig information som såklart ska spridas vidare


Frontline Workers Testimonies and VAERs Reports



I T  I S  E V E R Y O N E ‘ S  R I G H T  T O  R E V I E W  T H E

F I R S T – H A N D  T E S T I M O N I E S  O F  T H E  C O V I D

V A C C I N E  A D V E R S E  R E A C T I O N S  W I T H O U T

C E N S O R S H I P  B Y  T H E  N E W S M E D I A

( O R S O C I A L M E D I A ) .


W I T H  A C C E S S  T O  T H I S  D A T A , Y O U  C A N

P E R F O R M  A  R I S K / B E N E F I T  A N A L Y S I S

F O R  Y O U R  S E L F .

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Study: mRNA-Based Vaccines And The Risk Of Prion Disease

Vaccines have been found to cause a host of chronic, late developing adverse events. Some adverse events like type 1 diabetes may not occur until 3-4 years after a vaccine is administered [1].

In the example of type 1 diabetes the frequency of cases of adverse events may surpass the frequency of cases of severe infectious disease the vaccine was designed to prevent.

Given that type 1 diabetes is only one of many immune mediated diseases potentially caused by vaccines, chronic late occurring adverse events are a serious public health issue.

The advent of new vaccine technology creates new potential mechanisms of vaccine adverse events. For example, the first killed polio vaccine actually caused polio in recipients because the up scaled manufacturing process did not effectively kill the polio virus before it was injected into patients. RNA based vaccines offers special risks of inducing specific adverse events.

One such potential adverse event is prion based diseases caused by activation of intrinsic proteins to form prions.

A wealth of knowledge has been published on a class of RNA binding proteins shown to participating in causing a number of neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s disease and ALS. TDP-43 and FUS are among the best studied of these proteins [2].

The Pfizer RNA based COVID-19 vaccine was approved by the US FDA under an emergency use authorization without long term safety data.

Because of concerns about the safety of this vaccine a study was performed to determine if the vaccine could potentially induce prion based disease.


Pfizer’s RNA based vaccine against COVID-19 was evaluated for the potential to convert TDP-43 and or FUS to their prion based disease causing states.

The vaccine RNA was analyzed for the presence of sequences that can activate TDP-43 and FUS. The interaction of the transcribed spike protein with its target was analyzed to determine if this action could also activate TDP-43 and FUS.

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Downplaying The ‘Vaccine’- What’s Really Going On




Cardiologist warns about covid vaccine fraud and hyper-inflammatory immune responses caused by the shots


An expert physicist-nuclear cardiologist appeared on a recent episode of Pandemic War Room to warn the public about the dangers of the experimental covid vaccines and to discuss the fundamental fraud that was used to falsely advertise vaccine efficacy.


Dr. Richard Fleming has thoroughly studied the clinical trials for the experimental covid vaccines and understands the fraud behind clinical trials and vaccine marketing campaigns. Dr. Fleming warns that the vaccines have never been proven effective for achieving any human health objective.


The efficacy studies were based on random chance and did not investigate viral load nor use verifiable diagnostic criteria to determine if the vaccine has any effect on a person’s immune system.


He also warns that the vaccines can cause Mad Cow disease in animals — the kind of nerve damage that precedes Alzheimer’s and other neurological conditions often associated with old age.

Vaccine efficacy was determined based on random chance, not verifiable diagnostic criteria

“I’m not anti-vax,” Fleming told War Room. “I’m just anti-bad medicine.” Dr. Fleming pointed out the fundamental fraud from the vaccine maker’s own data that was used to falsely advertise the product’s so-called efficacy.


Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson all determined vaccine efficacy based on random chance, bypassing verifiable diagnostic criteria and ignoring viral load. According to the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization data, there is no demonstrable difference between the vaccine’s ability to stop covid compared to anything else. 


The vaccine efficacy data is a fraud because it relies on random chance and faulty high-cycle amplification of non-infectious virus material to falsely diagnose covid in the control group and inflate the vaccine’s efficacy.


The vaccine makes zero difference in stopping covid and does not address any underlying immune deficiencies that lead to severe illness.

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Pfizer’s vaccine studies are based on FRAUD and put lives in danger, warns former Pfizer vice president

Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former vice president and scientific director for Pfizer, has come forward with evidence that widespread SCIENCE FRAUD was used in the 2020 race for a coronavirus vaccine.


In pursuit of speedy regulatory approval, Pfizer abandoned all scientific integrity. The study design for new mRNA injections is based on fraudulent diagnostic protocols that manipulate data endpoints and conceal the short and long-term adverse events inflicted by their vaccines.


Dr. Yeadon is joined by German lung specialist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. The two brave doctors have filed an urgent application with the European Medicine Agency, calling out the BioNtech/Pfizer vaccine study because it’s based on FRAUD.


mRNA vaccine studies are based on fraud, conceal serious vaccine injuries

The doctors concur that Pfizer’s vaccine studies should be halted until a credible study design can be presented, one that doesn’t falsify data endpoints and one that addresses a host of serious safety concerns.


The doctors warn that Pfizer is conflating non-specific symptoms of illness with COVID-19 diagnoses for the control arm while using inaccurate, high cycle PCR tests for a diagnosis.


The doctors warn that the vaccine’s efficacy is being contorted because the study design fails to properly diagnose cases of COVID-19 and fails to confirm infection using the Sanger sequencing method.


They conclude that risk of disease and potential vaccine benefit cannot be measured or determined with accuracy. They demand a halt to all human experimentation with these mRNA injections.


Wodarg and Yeadon also warn that the vaccine’s efficacy toward spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 is a real measurement of immune reaction, but this effect will also cause autoimmune issues as well. Among these autoimmune issues is the destruction of the female reproductive system.


The vaccines will produce temporary antibodies to coronavirus by attacking the spike’s syncytin-homologous proteins. Not coincidentally, the syncytin-1 is also essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals and humans.

Therefore, the vaccines could cause infertility, miscarriage and birth defects, and Pfizer is not disclosing this information to patients.


The use of polyethylene glycol will also cause autoimmune reactions, a problem already being observed in U.K. patients. A 2016 study in Analytical Chemistry found anti-PEG antibodies in 72 percent of human samples, and 8 percent of those samples contained high levels, which led to increased adverse events and waning vaccine efficacy.


Pfizer skipped animal studies to hide pathogenic priming, a deadly effect of coronavirus vaccines

Even more concerning is the vaccine’s potential for pathogenic priming. The doctors warn that the vaccine can cause the formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” that caused death to animals in prior coronavirus studies.


Because the vaccine is not tested for its real-life preventative effect when humans are re-introduced to the wild virus, any claims of effectiveness are FRAUD.


There’s no evidence that the vaccine actually prevents infection. In fact, the opposite evidence is true.


All animal studies for coronavirus vaccines show an influx of non-neutralizing antibodies that causes an exaggerated immune response. When the animal is exposed to the wild virus later, their immune system overreacts, destroying itself.


This overactive immune response caused the death of all the animals exploited in the study. These animal studies were bypassed for the COVID-19 vaccine trials because the scientists were well aware of animal fatalities from previous coronavirus experiments.


This antibody-dependent amplification occurs after vaccination, but the damage is concealed until weeks or months later, when the animal or person is exposed to the wild virus in real-time.


This deadly immune reaction is caused by the vaccine, but will ultimately be blamed on the subsequent wild virus infection. This is the perfect alibi for criminal vaccine makers like Pfizer.

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Läs hela artikeln av 2021-04-16 och sprid vidare, citat

Spike proteins in Pfizer, Moderna Covid-19 vaccines linked to deadly blood clots, brain inflammation and heart attacks


The media is giving considerable airtime to the deadly blood clot issue with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J), both of which are manufactured using adenovirus technology. New evidence, though, shows that the messenger RNA (mRNA) injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna can cause the same issues and more.


Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in December that mRNA injections have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys – and in ways that were not even assessed during safety trials.


On Dec. 8, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) released a public submission from Whelan that was a response to the agency’s request for comments regarding so-called “vaccines” for the Chinese Virus. This occurred in anticipation of a Dec. 10 meeting at which the committee was scheduled to review the Pfizer-BioNTech injection for emergency use authorization (EUA).


In his public submission, Whelan, a veteran physician with decades of experience in his field, alerted the FDA to these potential vaccine injuries, noting that the spike protein component of the jabs is a potential trigger for serious injuries.


Whelan explained that experimental mRNA technology has “the potential to cause microvascular injury (inflammation and small blood clots called microthrombi) to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.”


Nowhere in his alert did Whelan suggest that the “vaccines” might not work to quickly arrest the spread of the virus, but rather he warned that “it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on other organs.”


mRNA “vaccine” spike proteins found to cross blood-brain barrier

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J&J, AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs both contain aborted human fetal tissue

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The Fraud – “Bedrägeriet

Bedrägeriet – ny film och intervju med Reiner Fuellmich


Filmen The Fraud – “Bedrägeriet (v2) handlar främst om konsekvenserna och inte så mycket om bakgrunden till denna illasinnade “plandemi” och nedstängning av samhället.


I filmen får vi ta del av hur fulvaxet orsakar död och svåra skador. Tack vare visselblåsare får vi också se en del av den förskräckliga situationen på vårdhem och sjukhus. I artikeln nedan beskrivs något om upphovet.


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Läs hela artikeln och sprid vidare, citerar lösryckta delar ur artikeln, citat

Total Extinction of Mankind is Close 

Walking biological time bombs all around us

People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the production of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.


The globalists do this on purpose, coherent with their goals of global mass extermination.

By design, they are giving the most dangerous and most contagious people “vaccine passports” so they can freely roam across society, spreading their super strain viruses far and wide.

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Publicerat 2021-04-14, citerar lösryckta delar ur artikeln, läs hela och skapa dig en egen uppfattning, sprid vidare, citat

Den nazistiska kopplingen

Bilderberg-gruppen är den nazistiska anslutningen

Nazifierade förrädare Ändamålen helgar medlen

Centralbankerna är orsaken till ondskan. De är dåliga för varje enskilt land. Eftersom problemet är att politiker och alla grupper eller enheter, som sjukhus, läkare, poliser och så vidare har blivit korrupta av mutor när de faller för pengarna.


Att låta centralbankerna manipulera samhället med nya tryckta papperspengar, eftersom de känner sig nödvändiga för att hålla den falska Covid-pandemin vid liv.

Alla de korrumperade kommer att slåss till det bittra slutet, så vi patrioterna behöver också slå tillbaka till slutet för att se till att vi tar tillbaka kontrollen.


I verkligheten styrs världen genom hemliga sällskap som Counsel on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC) och Bilderberg Group. Allt kan spåras tillbaka till mycket tidigare samhällen, såsom tempelriddarna och rosenkransarna, som omvandlades till de bayerska Illuminati och frimurarna.


Det var den högra tyska Thule Gesellschaft, eller Thule Society, (här var Sverige insyltat via Wallenberg, anm. Carl Norberg) en utlöpare för de teutoniska riddarna, som bildade kärnan i det nyblivna nazistpartiet, som antog den ökända Illuminati credo;


”Målet rättfärdigar medlen”, som lever vidare i företagsägarnas hjärtan, kallade globalisterna, som föredrar blandning av statlig och företagsmakt, känd som fascism.

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Citerar lösryckta delar ur artikel publicerad 2021-04-14, sprid vidare, citat

Did you know that SARS-CoV-2 is a woke virus?

Did you ever notice how smoothly the COVID rhetoric has morphed with climate change rhetoric, Agenda 2030 rhetoric, Great Reset rhetoric and New World (NWO) rhetoric in general?


Every technocrat and his dog are going around pushing their favorite elite agenda, mixing it with Agenda 2030 and politically correct woke buzzwords and projecting it all onto COVID. If I didn’t know any better, it’s almost like COVID has become the pretext to hide and promote just about every single NWO (New World Order) agenda under the sun.


COVID has now become the most sustainable, equitable, inclusive, racially tolerant and climate aware disease and pandemic in the history of humanity.


This is a good thing, since if the imaginary SARS-CoV-2 can’t be a particular deadly virus (COVID survival rates are 99.5+% for most age groups up to 69 years old) then at least it can be a woke virus.



Sustainable COVID

Our philanthropic masters over at the Rockefeller Foundation, who only have humanity’s best interest at heart, have released a new report entitled “Financing Global Vaccination and Sustainable Growth” which is an interesting mixture of COVID fear, mandatory vaccination and sustainability.


After all, what’s the point in injuring and killing millions of people with dangerous and experimental RNA technology, or just plain old blood-clotting technology, if it’s not done sustainably?


Everything must be sustainable and the depopulation agenda is no exception. The report states:

“Just as the entire world shared in the spread and pain of the pandemic, we must now share in orchestrating its end, and a transition to a just, equitable, and sustainable recovery … For this reason, we must act swiftly to achieve a global vaccination rate of up to 70 percent by the end of 2022. This Action Plan, the first in a series, highlights three mutually reinforcing goals leveraging the power of existing multilateral financial architecture:


Goal 1: The issuance, reallocation, and leveraging of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund to ensure equitable global access to vaccines


Goal 2: Unleashing the full lending power of the World Bank and other multilateral development banks (MDBs) for a climate-friendly and equitable recovery


Goal 3: Leveraging private capital at scale through new, innovative investment vehicles.”


Note how they are pitching equitable and sustainable as part of their vision of the end of the pandemic. Also note how they want to continue the same decades-old predatory lending practices that made them rich and powerful (as detailed by whistleblowers like economic hitman John Perkins).


Translation: we want more nations to go into debt to buy our toxic vaccines and drugs using their own resources as collateral.


That way, it’s a four-for-one: we infect people, we injure and kill people, we introduce microchips or nanotech or into their bodies and we gain control of their infrastructure and minerals when they default.


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Wuhan Institute of Virology is ‘still genetically manipulating’ bat-coronaviruses

The World Health Organisation’s report on the origins of COVID-19 was a “piece of propaganda” for the Chinese Communist Party, according to Sky News host Sharri Markson. The World Health Organisation released its report into the origins of the deadly virus which placed zoonotic transmission to humans the most likely source of the pandemic.


The report also ranked the likelihood of different hypotheses and claimed the virus most likely transferred from bats to humans via an intermediary zoonotic source, and that a direct transmission was the second most likely.

The theory the virus came from a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was deemed to be unlikely by the report.


Ms Markson said the report was more of a “whitewash” and it dismissed the “most likely source of the outbreak”. “That the disease leaked from a laboratory that is, right now, still genetically manipulating bat-coronaviruses,” she said. “Let me be clear, this is research designed to make the virus more lethal, more infectious and more transmissible to humans.


“This WHO report was a PR exercise for china. It’s embarrassing.”





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The Manmade Biowarfare Threat Continues

Many were aware that gain-of-function research on coronaviruses and other dangerous pathogens was taking place at the WIV, and that the lab had known safety lapses, yet nothing appears to have been done to shore up security and prevent an outbreak


While government officials would like you to believe that SARS-CoV-2 is one of the most serious threats to life on earth, the reality is that the gain-of-function research they fund is a far greater threat.


Even if the COVID-19 pandemic wasn’t the result of this kind of research, history tells us there will be another leak. It’s only a matter of time, which is why we must ban all gain-of-function research, worldwide


The other, a 205-page paper titled “The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier,”15 was compiled by Dr. David E. Martin, in which he reviews “numerous criminal violations” by Fauci, the CDC and others, “that may be associated with the COVID-19 terrorism.” Here’s just a small sampling of paragraphs from Martin’s paper:


Dr. Fauci used fraudulent testing technology (RT-PCR) to conflate ‘COVID cases’ with positive PCR tests in the living while insisting that COVID deaths be counted by symptoms alone.


This perpetuated a market demand for his desired vaccine agenda which was recited by him and his conspiring parties around the world until the present.

Not surprisingly, this was necessitated by the apparent fall in cases that constituted Dr. Fauci’s and others’ criteria for depriving citizens of their 1st Amendment rights …


While Moderna enjoys hundreds of millions of dollars of funding allegiance and advocacy from Anthony Fauci and his NIAID, since its inception, it has been engaged in illegal patent activity and demonstrated contempt for U.S. Patent law.


To make matters worse, the U.S. Government has given it financial backing in the face of undisclosed infringement risks potentially contributing to the very infringement for which they are indemnified.”

Läs hela artikeln







Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare värnar inte om demokrati, rättssäkerhet, de grundläggande mänskliga rättigheterna och nationen Sveriges medborgares liv, hälsa och framtida livskvalitet!


Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare beskyddar skolmedicinen/den kriminella vaccin/läkemedelsindustrins skadar och dödar verksamhet mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare. Alltså det är uppenbart erkänt sakförhållande att den kriminella vaccin/läkemedelsindustrins enorma ekonomiska intressen går före nationen Sveriges medborgares liv, hälsa och framtida livskvalitet!


MEDICINSKT TYRANNI mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare är erkänt sakförhållande som till och med SVT/SR/TV4, riksmedia, SWEBB TV och internet/alternativ media kan informera och upplysa nationen Sveriges medborgare om, dvs. om dessa omnämnda inte beskyddar Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare!




Det största och värsta organiserade bedrägeriet/brottet mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare beskyddas uppenbart av Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare





Tiden är inne för att SVT/SR/TV4, riksmedia, SWEBB TV och alternativ/internetmedia redogör för vad Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare har utsatt nationen Sveriges medborgare och skattebetalare för under hela år 2020-2021.




Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare ska avsättas eftersom det inte existerar någon pandemi


Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare ska avsättas med omedelbar verkan utifrån fakta


Vad Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare undanhåller avsiktligt nationen Sveriges alla medborgare och skattebetalare!





Tiden är inne, avgörandet nära, Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare i Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare är som hugget i sten.


Citatet, lägg det på minnet, omsätts i praktiken, och Sveriges regering och deras medlöpare förpassas till en historisk papperskorg som dina barn och barnbarn kommer vara stolta över!



”När folket fruktar regeringen finns det tyranni, men när regeringen fruktar folket finns frihet.”

Thomas Jefferson



Mycket viktig information till Sveriges alla medborgare

Tiden är inne för att hela Corona bedrägeriet/Brott mot mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges medborgare drabbar SVERIGES REGERING och deras medlöpares fascistiska skadar och DÖDAR agenda


Nationen Sveriges medborgare kommer att resa sig och sätta STOPP för detta fullständiga vansinne


Hälsar den goda medmänniskan med ljusa krafter

Ulf Bittner

Ulf Bittner, en av tre i arbetsgruppen AMBU





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