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2020-09-02 ”Bobby Kennedy Details How Government Is Using Fear to Control You”





Bobby Kennedy Details How Government Is Using Fear to Control You


In a launch of a European-based branch of his U.S. organization, Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the global challenges to children’s health and safety on Friday, August 28, 2020, in Europe, warning people of how government uses fear to control you.


Acting as quasi-government agencies, public health organizations such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are pushing vaccines on the world’s population. To do so, they have removed the regulatory oversight that used to ensure that vaccines are safety-tested in real time and with true diligence.


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2020-09-01 ”CDC Changes Its Numbers — Only 6% of Pandemic Deaths Were COVID-19 Alone”



Mycket viktig information om verkligheten, citat


CDC Changes Its Numbers — Only 6% of Pandemic Deaths Were COVID-19 Alone




2020-09-01 Sayer Ji: I’m Officially Declaring THERE IS NO PANDEMIC – CDC Death Count Supports This Conclusion



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Sayer Ji: I’m Officially Declaring THERE IS NO PANDEMIC – CDC Death Count Supports This Conclusion




2020-08-30 The Highwire ; ”The World Protests COVID Lockdown”


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The World Protests COVID Lockdown



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2020-08-30 ”David Icke’s Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Sq, London, Aug 29….”



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David Icke’s Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Sq, London, Aug 29….



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2020-08-30 ”Mikael Nordfors tal från den historiska demonstrationen mot coronarestriktioner i London”


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Mikael Nordfors tal från den historiska demonstrationen mot coronarestriktioner i London


Läkaren Mikael Nordfors var en av många som höll viktiga tal under den historiska demonstrationen i London mot coronarestriktioner. Tiotusentals människor samlades i London för att protestera mot totalitarismen som accelererat under den så kallade coronakrisen.


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2020-08-30 ”Governments love pandemics” – ” ‘Biggest Crowd In German History’ Rises Up Against Bill Gates and Big Pharma in Berlin”





‘Biggest Crowd In German History’ Rises Up Against Bill Gates and Big Pharma in Berlin


Germans are rising up against Bill Gates in their millions, demanding humanity wake up and reject the self-styled “world health dictator“, as well as corrupt Big Pharma and the elite who are driving the world towards “global totalitarianism” and “slavery.”


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke to what organizers called “the biggest crowd in German history” on Saturday, as more than a million Germans joined forces to protest what Kennedy Jr. referred to as Bill Gates’ “bio-security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Big Pharma sponsored coup d’etat against liberal democracy.


The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies,” said Kennedy Jr., who praised the huge Berlin crowd for being on the frontline of the fight against global totalitarianism.


Fifty years ago, my uncle John F. Kennedy came to this city. He came to this land, because Berlin was the frontline against global totalitarianism. And today again, Berlin is frontline against global totalitarianism,” said Kennedy Jr. to a roar of approval from the crowd.


During his opening remarks, Kennedy Jr. said that the corrupt American mainstream media are telling people he came to Berlin “to speak to about five thousand Nazis.


But I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people of democracy. People who want open government.


People who want leaders who are not going to lie to them. People who want leaders who will not make up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate obedience of the population.



We want health officials who don’t have financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry, who are working for us, not Big Pharma.”



I look at this crowd. I see all the flags of Europe. I see people of every color. I see people of every nation. Every religion. All caring about human dignity, about children’s health. About political freedom. This is the opposite of Nazism.”



Governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason they love war. Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise never accept.



It’s a mystery to me that all of these big important people like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci have been planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades. And yet, now that it’s hear, they don’t seem to know what they are talking about.


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2020-08-30 Berlin-demo den 29 augusti 2020 – mer än 1 000 000 deltagare




Berlin Demo am 29. August 2020 – mehr als 1.000.000 Teilnehmer




2020-08-30 Berlin skickar en historisk symbol till världen!



Se denna video, hur mångar var dom i Berlin, citat

Berlin sendet ein historisches Zeichen in die Welt 




Se och lyssna på talet som Robert F Kennedy jr höll, citat

Robert F. Kennedy Junior Berlin 29.08.2020 ….




2020-08-30 ”Some do not hesitate to characterize WHO as ”the most corrupt organization in the world”





Some do not hesitate to characterize WHO as ”the most corrupt organization in the world”


WHO and Ghebreyesus


Some do not hesitate to characterize WHO as ”the most corrupt organization in the world” whose director, the Eritrean Adhanom Ghebreyesus, seems closely linked to Bill Gates, himself very concerned to ”get seven billion human beings vaccinated” with this chip that he designed not with health as the goal, but population control for extremely dubious political purposes – it is difficult to fail to mention this without betraying our humanity.


Indeed, Bill Gates is notorious for having paid huge sums of money to WHO, which many claim helped appoint in 2017 – with the support of China – someone with a genocidal past in his own country, who was a member of the political bureau of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL), an organization listed on the Department of US Homeland Security’s list of terrorist organizations.


In 2017, an Amhara ethnic rights organization, the Amhara Professional Union (APU), accused Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of carrying out a full-fledged genocidal policy through forced vaccination, chemical sterilization and abortion, when holding the post of Ethiopian Minister of Health between 2005 and 2012.


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Se videon, drygt 2 timmar, mycket allmänbildande om detta vansinne mot mänskligheten, om, citat


WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON? ~ Claire Edwards Presentation



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