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2020-05-19 MUST WATCH Debunking the Narrative With Prof Dolores Cahill






MUST WATCH Debunking the Narrative With Prof Dolores Cahill


2020-05-19 ”The criminal medical cartels are censoring all treatments and cures that work to save lives”



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The criminal medical cartels are censoring all treatments and cures that work to save lives



Notably, the criminal Big Pharma cartels and corrupt government regulators (like the FDA, FTC, CDC) are going out of their way to try to criminalize or suppress any non-vaccine, non-pharma solutions that might save lives. Over the last month, we’ve all witnessed an astonishing level of aggression and mafia-style tactics used by the FDA and FTC against pioneering researchers offering a variety of possible solutions, from colloidal silver to chlorine dioxide and even intravenous vitamin C.



They’ve even declared war on hydroxychloroquine and the medical establishment has been engineering clinical trials which are designed to fail from the start in order to discredit the off-patent, affordable drug.



There is no doubt that Big Pharma’s obedient government lackeys are at war with truth and are desperately trying to suppress information about natural cures and integrative treatments that might eliminate covid-19 before vaccines can be made available.


The techno-fascist tech giants like Facebook, Google, Vimeo, YouTube and Twitter are all-in with Big Pharma, going out of their way to censor and destroy all information that criticizes vaccines or offers wisdom about natural treatments or integrative medicine interventions.

This criminal cabal of Big Tech and Big Pharma is the enemy of humanity, as they are deliberately working to worsen the pandemic, increase suffering and death and extend the punishing lockdowns for as long as possible in order to cause several economic damage while preparing the masses for mandatory vaccines.



We are all witnessing a powerful criminal gang of corporations and regulators who are deliberately seeking to destroy human society as we know it today, and they are the gatekeepers of information on the ‘net (and in the news).

This is why we are repeating our call for the CEOs of all the top tech giants to be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity, then prosecuted in a court of law.

Over the weekend, a member of Italy’s Parliament gave a rousing speech in which she labeled Bill Gates a “vaccine criminal” and demanded he be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity.



Such efforts should not be limited to Bill Gates, however. They must include the criminals of other tech giants as well as the corrupt, anti-human criminals running the FDA, FTC and CDC, among others. Their crimes against humanity must not go unanswered, and they must be held accountable in a court of law.



The destructive, anti-human agendas of Big Pharma and Big Tech are incompatible with human freedom and a sustainable human civilization. These anti-human institutions must be permanently dismantled, and humanity must rise up against this threat in the same way we once awakened against the Third Reich and the rise of Nazi fascism and the Holocaust.



Right now, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the FDA and the CDC are plotting to kill billions of human beings with an engineered bioweapon, a risky vaccine, and high-fatality prescription drugs that make people more vulnerable to covid-19. These enemies of humanity must be stopped, and the truth about chlorine dioxide must be set free so that human beings can be saved from suffering and death.



To learn more about the establishment’s war on truth (and war on humanity), watch my recent interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, who has also been subjected to extreme censorship for raising the alarm about how vaccines are spreading infectious disease.






2020-05-18 The Endgame? Humanity Exterminated



The Endgame? Humanity Exterminated


The Club of Rome. The Council On Foreign Relations. Bilderberg. The United Nations. Agenda 2030. The furthering of the Chinese Century. The elimination of humanity so that a chosen few may merge with machines and attain immortality. It isn’t conspiracy theory. And it isn’t some unattainable billionaire’s dream anymore. It has become our collective reality. Share this video with those that are unaware. Because the psychotic elitist plan is best explained in their own words and writings.




2020-05-18 Virusbluffen: Modig andningsterapeut säger att Coronaviruset är en bluff


På You Tube


Virusbluffen: Modig andningsterapeut säger att Coronaviruset är en bluff



 Chockerande för många, förväntat av få. Denna andningsterapeut berättar bland annat att de inte testar för något virus, vilket vore konstigt med tanke på att det inte funnits några tester. Andningsterapeuten berättar också att han med säkerhet kan säga att allting är en bluff, att de måste diagnosticera alla som dör med vad de påstår är covid-19 och inte bara de som dör AV det.






2020-05-18 USA Today Smears Mercola Over Vitamin C and D Information




Känns detta igen av nationen Sveriges medborgare, samma i Sverige som i USA, du förstår mera när du läst hela artikeln



USA Today Smears Mercola Over Vitamin C and D Information


Mainstream media, supported by monopoly tech platforms like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, are going to great lengths to control the narrative of what you see and read about the COVID-19 pandemic







2020-05-18 After backlash from vaccine skeptics, Trump appears to be distancing himself from vaccines as the “cure-all” for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic



After backlash from vaccine skeptics, Trump appears to be distancing himself from vaccines as the “cure-all” for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic


(Natural News) After being strongly condemned by the pro-liberty, pro-health freedom movement, President Trump appears to be backing away from positioning vaccines as the “cure-all” for the coronavirus.


In comments made earlier today, Trump said, “Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back.”


This is the first time Trump has publicly acknowledged the likelihood that a vaccine may never be developed that can safely and effectively prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


It doesn’t mean Trump is opposed to vaccines, however.


It’s just that he’s no longer praising vaccines as the miracle cure that will end the pandemic with certainty — a fraudulent, intellectually dishonest position held by nearly every journalist and scientist in America.






2020-05-18 Trump Says No To Forced Injections As World Awakens To NWO/Gates Takeover



Mycket ”matnyttigt” när Alex Jones ”rockar loss” bl.a. om globalist vansinnet och Bill Gates, en ”djävul” enligt Alex Jones


Trump Says No To Forced Injections As World Awakens To NWO/Gates Takeover

Läs och se mer




2020-05-17 In epic speech, Italian member of Parliament demands arrest of Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” for pursuing crimes against humanity



Natural News delger sina läsare World Wide 2020-05-17



In epic speech, Italian member of Parliament demands arrest of Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” for pursuing crimes against humanity


 Läs hela artikeln och sprid vidare i alla dina nätverk




2020-05-17 Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will be harmed or killed by his coronavirus vaccines




Natural News delger sina läsare World Wide 2020-05-17



Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will be harmed or killed by his coronavirus vaccines


(Natural News) In his rush to develop one, two, or even seven different vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates openly admitted that upwards of 700,000 people could become injured or die from these jabs.



The Microsoft co-founder and prominent eugenicist has been more outspoken in recent days than perhaps ever before about his desire to vaccinate the entire world, in this case as soon as possible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And the reality is that many more will die from the vaccine than from the virus itself.



Speaking during a recent segment on CNBC, Gates admitted that in order to make vaccines “work” for the most vulnerable groups, they have to be super-charged, in a sense. And this super-charging means that some people are going to be injured or killed as a result.



“We clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range because they’re most at risk of that,” Gates stated about his plans for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination.



“And doing that so that you amp it up so that it works in older people, and yet you don’t have side effects, if we have one in 10,000 side effects that’s way more, 700,000 people who will suffer from that.”



Bill Gates also says flu vaccines do not work for older people








2020-05-17 Allt är noga planerat!; Harry Vox Predicts What’s Happening Now in 2014



För att förstå vad som händer nu se denna video allt är nämligen noga planerat


Här nedan en video från 2014 med bevis för att ”den verkliga makten” har planlagt övertagandet av Jordens alla nationer.


Detta ska bl a ske med hjälp av tillverkade pandemier som lamslår hela jorden och dess ekonomi (det som just nu händer och det ska komma ytterligare en ”överraskning” från maktens boning).



Harry Vox Predicts What’s Happening Now in 2014


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