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2020-09-16 MÅSTE SES & SPRIDAS: ”How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic’ ”



Publicerat 2020-09-16, citat;


How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic’ – An Animated Film Explanation By David Icke

We release this free of copyright and so please share, download and post wherever you can. Let’s make this go globally viral.



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2020-09-16 MÅSTE LÄSAS & SE VIDEOS: “I Am The Target”: Silenced Chinese Virologist Tells Tucker COVID-19 Intentionally Released, CCP Trying To ‘Disappear’ Her




”It could never come from nature.”


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“I Am The Target”: Silenced Chinese Virologist Tells Tucker COVID-19 Intentionally Released, CCP Trying To ‘Disappear’ Her



”It could never come from nature.”



By Zero Hedge Wednesday, September 16, 2020





“It could never come from nature,” she Yan – an MD/PhD who worked with coronavirus at the University of Hong Kong



“There is evidence left in the genome” – which Yan detailed in a 26-page scientific paper co-written with three other Chinese scientists.

“They don’t want people to know this truth. Also, that’s why I get suspended [from Twitter], I get suppression. I am the target that the Chinese Communist Party wants disappeared.”



When Carlson asked her why she believes the virus made it’s way out of the Wuhan lab, Dr. Yan said

“I worked in the WHO reference lab, which is the top coronavirus lab in the world at the university of Hong Kong.

And the things I got deeply into such investigation in secret from the early beginning of this outbreak – I had my intelligence through my network in China, involved in the hospitals, institutes and also government.”



“Together with my experience, I can tell you – this is created in a lab.”

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2020-09-15 ”JAMA article affirms benefits of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19″



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JAMA article affirms benefits of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19



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2020-09-15 Mycket Allmänbildande: ”Studies show countries using hydroxychloroquine have far fewer COVID 19 deaths”



Varför undanhölls nationen Sveriges medborgare hydroxychloroquine av skolmedicinen? Om skolmedicinens skadar och dödar verksamhet, särskilt fokus på Sverige Vansinnet!

Som uppenbart beskyddar den kriminella läkemedelsindustrins enorma ekonomiska intressen, före nationen Sveriges medborgare.


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Studies show countries using hydroxychloroquine have far fewer COVID 19 deaths


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2020-09-15 Måste ses: ”The Whistleblower Dr Forced To Leave Sweden – Jon Tallinger on Swedish Healthcare Crisis”



Mycket allmänbildande om Sverige Vansinnet/skolmedicin vansinnet, måste ses och spridas vidare om verkligheten i Sverige, citat


The Whistleblower Dr Forced To Leave Sweden – Jon Tallinger on Swedish Healthcare Crisis


Dr. Jon Tallinger was forced to move to Denmark in order to keep working as a doctor. His activism for oxygen gas ended with him being banned in all of Sweden, which is a common fate for any medical staff planning to speak up about wrongdoings in our healthcare.


Doctor Tallinger has been interviewed by dozens of international media outlets, who take him seriously. Whereas in Sweden he was wrongfully smeared and made into pariah, while the mainstream-media ended up presenting his claims as scandalous headlines – but only months after the fact, thus claiming many lives all for nothing. This while giving him no credit.


In this interview we discuss how PC-culture and bureaucracy can end up being lethal, and Sweden’s long-going healthcare crisis. We also talk how Sweden is different from Denmark.


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Bl.a. om det pågående vansinnet mot mänskligheten, några axplock;


Doktor Jon Tallinger och professor Yngve Gustavsson med i USA TV, och delger om DEPOPULATIONS AGENDAN, om hur skolmedicinen dödar de äldre i Sverige


And, of course, they killed tens of thousands in care homes.



We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History



The Coronavirus Pandemic That Never Was



There can be no mistake: in my view this is the biggest fraud in human history.



Just nu är det viktigt för läkemedelsindustrin att vi alla ska fösas in i ett bås där vaccinering framstår som den enda lösningen på alla våra problem.


Du läser mera i denna pdf fil och sprider vidare i dina nätverk




2020-09-12 MÅSTE SES : ”We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History”



MÅSTE SES, sprid vidare i dina nätverk, citat



We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History



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2020-09-12 ”The Coronavirus Pandemic That Never Was”


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The Coronavirus Pandemic That Never Was



In March 2020, international best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, was the first medical doctor to describe the coronavirus pandemic as a hoax.



Here he analyzes how it was perpetrated from its beginning and shows how politicians and drug-industry tycoons have used it to make the rest of us victims of the greatest crime in history.


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2020-09-12 OM COVID-19 BEDRÄGERIET : ”This Fraud is Now Blindingly Obvious”



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This Fraud is Now Blindingly Obvious

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA



The latest development in England is so awful, so indefensible, so ruthless, so unnecessary and so cruel that I have to write this piece so that everyone realises just how obvious this fraud is now becoming.

None of what is happening is accidental or a result of misfortune. The closures, the chaos, the uncertainty are, in my view, all deliberate. They are all part of the plan.



The people behind Agenda 21 and the Global Reset are determined to keep us shut in our homes for work and play.

The new rules introduced today for England (and likely to spread wider very soon) will, I believe, result in the permanent closure of many pubs, cafes and restaurants.

And, of course, the shutdowns mean that demonstrations and public meetings are now illegal – and banned.

We can’t vote. The mass media lies. And we can’t have public meetings. We are prisoners in our own country.

But just look at the facts behind the latest closures. On 8th September 2020 in the UK, covid supremo Matt Hancock announced that the number of positive tests is going up. Of course the number has gone up – they are doing far more testing.

What he did not say (because it would have been inconvenient) was that most of the positive tests are false. Nor did he say that most of those testing positive are young and have no or few symptoms.



And nor did he mention that the number of covid-19 deaths has been falling for weeks.


In England and Wales in the last week of August it seems that a total of 73 people who had tested positive for coronavirus in the previous 28 days had died with the coronavirus.



This does NOT mean that 73 people died of covid-19. It means that 73 people might have died with the coronavirus. With it not of it.



So covid-19 is now a very minor death threat. And though the number of people dying because of the lockdowns and laws and restrictions is far, far greater than the number dying of this now rapidly disappearing disease they’re bringing in new laws.


The Government has refused to release suicide figures but in an average year more than 100 people commit suicide every week in the UK. And it is widely accepted that the suicide rate is rising fast. What a surprise that is!



So suicide kills more than covid-19.


There has been a coup.


None of what is happening is necessary or rational. Hancock says the virus is dangerous in a social setting but harmless in an office. How stupid does he think we are?



This is the insane government which tells the young they must stay in to protect the elderly and then puts DNR notices on everyone over 60 or 65. And, of course, they killed tens of thousands in care homes.

And the Government is working with Bill Gates who wants to reduce the world’s population and then, at the same time, wants to vaccinate everyone to save lives. Nothing makes sense.



There can be no mistake: in my view this is the biggest fraud in human history.


We are fighting for our lives.


But we aren’t fighting a virus. We are fighting a corrupt and dishonest Government which is serving the interests of those behind Agenda 21 and the World Economic Forum. It seems almost as if they want to create civil unrest and civil disobedience so that they can bring in the military.


Covid-19 is now a minor illness and yet they are still working on vaccines for it. Governments are spending a fortune buying millions of doses. The news today in the New York Times is that a volunteer in the Oxford University Astra Zeneca trial has allegedly been diagnosed with transverse myelitis – an inflammation of the spinal cord which may cause permanent damage.



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2020-09-11 ”The Critical Facts About The Covid Lie” – ”Virologist Dr Stefan Lanka Who Won A Court Case Over The Non-Existence Of The ‘Measles Virus’ Files Charge Against German ‘Government Virologist For Corona’ For Crimes Against Humanity” – ”The Critical Facts About The Covid Lie.” – ”THE VIRUS DOESNT EXIST!! ”



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Virologist Dr Stefan Lanka Who Won A Court Case Over The Non-Existence Of The ‘Measles Virus’ Files Charge Against German ‘Government Virologist For Corona’ For Crimes Against Humanity


THERE IS NO PROVEN SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE THAT ANY VIRUS CAUSES ANY DISEASE! THERE ARE NO PATHOGENIC (Capable of producing disease) VIRUSES. Viruses Are Generated From Within The Body To Cleanse The Body, They Cannot Come From Outside The Body.



( See Busted: Covid Assumptions Are Based On Fear Not Fact – Viruses Come From Inside The Body, Not From Outside The Body) https://wp.me/p19seq-7LR



Covid19 is a beard that is being used to destroy the global economy and usher in a Global New World Order Orwellian Nightmare!



The Critical Facts About The Covid Lie.






The Tests Are Fake. There Are No Tests For Covid-19. They Are Testing For Genetic Material That Everyone Has. If You Have A Flu Shot You Or Have Ever Had The Flu You Will Test Positive For Covid-19. A Fruit, A PawPaw Tested Positive For Covid19! Seriously I’m Not Joking.



When You Wear A Mask You Breathe In Your Own Carbon Dioxide, Which Lowers Oxygen Levels, Causing Hypoxia, Irreversible Brain Damage And Respiratory Disease. Wearing A Mask Offers No Protection From ANY Virus And has No Basis In Science They Are Nothing To Do With Health And Everything To Do With Control! Humanity Must Stop Blindly Obeying Authority! Stop Acquiescing To Stupid!


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Läs också dessa artiklar, pdf fil och se videos









 The Misconception called ”VIRUS”



Dr Stefan Lanka Interview English Interpretation



The History & Lie of Viruses and Bacteria from virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka – German with Subtitles -





OBS! Läs också Lars Berns artikel av 2020-09-10, citat


Falsklarm om Coronan!


Vi har just läst boken med den rubricerade titeln, skriven av de tyska professorerna Suchrit Bhakdi (mikrobiologi och infektionsepidemiologi) och Karina Reiss (biokemi, infektioner, cellbiologi och medicin). Den har översatts till svenska av Karneval förlag och är synnerligen lättläst på några timmar.



Denna bok är idag en absolut MUST READ! Den är en färskvara som skall läsas nu.



Lars har tidigare skrivit om en krönika som redogör för en vetenskaplig artikel med titeln Countering the Second Wave with Facts, not Misconceptions med Nobelpristagaren och Harvardprofessorn Michael Levitt som en av fyra författare.



Den artikeln är en mycket kritisk granskning av hanteringen av Coronapandemin av det politiska och medicinska etablissemanget runt om i världen. Bokens författare ger samma bild som Levitt men givetvis betydligt utförligare och detaljrikare.



Lars har även nyligen skrivit en krönika som visar hur det skolmedicinska etablissemanget med Coronapandemins olika åtgärder jagar en skugga istället för att ta itu med verkliga hälsoproblem. Mina slutsatser där finner även starkt stöd i den aktuella boken.



Vi hinner inte här ge en mer detaljerad beskrivning av boken utan ser det som angeläget att ni alla köper den och läser den.


Därefter måste ni sprida de insikter boken ger till alla ni känner.


Detta handlar om att rädda vårt fria västliga samhälle undan försöket att tvinga på oss en ny elitistisk världsordning byggt på denna iscensatta pandemi.


Det handlar om vår värdighet och våra liv som människor i denna värld av manipulationer och bedrägerier från västvärldens makthavare.

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