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socialminister Jacob Forssmed har han fått anställning på PFIZER? SVERIGE GRANSKAS 2024 03 23



socialminister Jacob Forssmed har han fått anställning på PFIZER?  SVERIGE GRANSKAS 2024 03 23


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KNAPPTRYCAR DOMEN Nacka-TR-T-2102-23-Dom-2024-03-15






Det stora bedrägeriet: utan PCR-testerna ingen pandemi — av  Margareta Skantze  2024 02 13




In English here

The great deception: without the PCR tests no pandemic by Margareta Skantze 2024 02 13







Från: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Skickat: den 23 mars 2024 08:05


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Ämne: LÄS KNAPPTRYCKAR DOMEN om demokratin i direktdemokratin
Prioritet: Hög


Denna delgivning från SVERIGE GRANSKAS finns offentligt publicerad här







Socialminister Jacob Forssmed genom

Tina Sahlén

Stabschef hos socialminister Jakob Forssmed

Telefon (växel) 08-405 10 00 Mobiltelefon 076-1060944

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Är socialminister Jacob Forssmed vid sina sinnens fulla bruk?  Eller är socialminister Jacob Forssmed också anställd av PFIZER som deras bästa försäljare i Sverige av de ”vackraste vaccinerna vi har”?


Läs den bifogade filen som socialminister Jacob Forssmed fick som nyårs present 2023-12-28




Läs bifogade filen

PCR bedrägeriet av 2024-02-13 av Margareta Skantze som tar och har samhällsansvar




riksåklagare  Katarina Johansson Welin:

Varför beskyddar Åklagarmyndigheten i Sverige det planerade kriminella utifrån enorma gigantiska ekonomiska incitament PCR TEST BEDRÄGERIET?

Läs mera





Dr. David Martin: För nästan 20 år sedan var spikeproteinet känt för att vara biovapen  SVERIGE GRANSKAS 2024 03 17 

Läs mer




Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi; Dessa celler interagerade inte bara med ”vaccinerna” utan absorberade dem och införlivade främmande DNA i själva sin struktur.  SVERIGE GRANSKAS 2024 03 16

Det som en gång var en teoretisk rädsla har nu manifesterats i konkreta bevis, som visar att dessa vacciner har potential att förändra den mänskliga genetiken i grunden.

Läs mer







Karen Kingston & Dr Ana Mihalcea om BIOVAPEN KRIGET mot mänskligheten

Se videon och sprid vidare informationen till att skattebetalare i Sverige




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KNAPPTRYCKARNA; LÄS DOMEN om demokratin i direktdemokratin


Finns också här





Medicinska forskare efterlyser brådskande åtgärder för att hantera masskontaminering av blodförsörjningen

”Japanska forskare har publicerat oroande bevis för att blodtransfusioner från personer som fått COVID-19-skott är förorenade med en myriad av faror.” – Jeff Dornik

Läs mer








Läs också om vad som delges i mailet  som ankom undertecknad igår kväll om BIOVAPEN KRIGET som mänskligheten och nationen Sveriges Folk är utsatta för


Enkelt att förstå de experimentella mRNA-injektionerna


Från: truth.portal <[email protected]>
Skickat: den 22 mars 2024 20:59
Till: undisclosed-recipients:
Ämne: Understanding the Experimental mRNA Injections Made EASY


71% of people found dead at home was due to the vaccine



Understanding the Experimental mRNA Injections Made EASY 


Once you take any immunization, you cannot “untake” it. That is why you MUST be guarded about what is injected into your body. It is easy to understand the experimental mRNA shot by viewing many of the below videos, linked to the UNCENSORED website, https://bitchute.com.  For your ease and convenience, these videos are arranged in the following 13 categories:



Excess Death

Sudden Death



Permanent Suppression of Natural Immunity


Democide – government-sponsored murder



Damage to the Medical Profession



Video Testimonies, by Topic 


Safe and Effective (documentary) 

Medical proof the COVID jab is murder 

“Foot-long blood clots” from mRNA vaccination 

Dr. Ryan Cole: spike protein literally causing the lymphocytes to chew a hole in the aorta 

Nurse testifies that none of the millions of COVID patients died of COVID 

Vaccines are like a time bomb inside your body just waiting 

Proof vaccines cause heart attacks, blood clots and strokes 

Dr. Carrie Madej drops hydrogel bombshell! It’s the Mother substance.  It tricks the body to make 

Thousands of breathing impairments after C19 vaccines 

Everyone who has had a mRNA injection dies within 3 to 5 years 

2013 trial of over 200,000 people testing mRNA-based medication – less than 5 are alive today 

Australian nurse of 39 years blows the whistle – hospitals are full of the vaccinated

Excess deaths miscarriages, bleeding and brain damage safe and effective Pfizer knew

If you thought the COVID jab was dangerous, you were right 

COVID jabs: never before have we been in so much danger, by Dr. Vernon Coleman 

Karen Kingston exposes horrifying electromagnetic nanotech in the death jab 

Dr. Tenpenny; the death tsunami is here 

Proof that the death shot is exactly that 

Vax-induced autoimmunity self-destruction 

What the real reason for continuous injections is 

CV19 vax destroys hearts & brains of billions 

The Effect of Vaccines on the Brain 

These vaccines saved NO one !

Cesium-137 in the vax 

All vaccines to soon use lethal mRNA technology 

Billions are now primed to die 

Wake Up America – the Same Vipers Who did 911 are Behind COVID Death Shots 

A crime has been perpetrated on Americans !   Covid vaccines have never been safe and effective

Christine Anderson exposes the truth about Covid: it had nothing to do with public health

Covid vaccine’s main purpose: to change human DNA for the first time in human history

How the jabs were made to increase and accelerate medical problems you already had

Pfizer warns a fourth booster shot may be needed for those who haven’t died yet

Vaccines did almost nothing to reduce mortalities from infectious disease

Big Pharma’s bioweapon is designed to destroy the human genome 

New data shows deaths and disabilities continue to skyrocket

Vaccines are already on the market before even being tested

“I have absolute faith that mRNA vaccines will kill you”

Deadly Deception – exposing the dangers of vaccines

Why some are OK while others drop dead after vaxx

Increased blindness associated with mRNA vaccines

Massive cognitive damage caused by vaccines

Vaccines are a time bomb



Vaccine Genocide: They lied – people died.

The masses wake up to vaccine genocide as miscarriages, cancers, and deaths skyrocket 

GENOCIDE Of Care: Hospitals MURDERING Patients For Money/ Power: Many Credible Reports 

Before the mRNA Vaccine, 29 Cardiac Arrests per year in Sports, After the VAX 1,500 in One Year

COVID Depopulation Kill Plan Admitted by CDC

Funeral CEO reveals the shocking number of deaths 

John O’Looney current update on genocide

3.5 billion could be killed or injured by the jab  (Dr. David E. Martin) 

Dr. Kaufman: global genocide 

Millennial death up 36% — Vaxx mass murder exposed 

COVID vaccine genocide 2021 – 2022  

Global genocide!  700 million to die?  Vaccine deaths skyrocket 

The greatest mass genocide event in history 

300 Million incapacitated or dead from the COVID 19 kill shot 

The COVID jab slaughter 

The vaccine genocide

Premeditated bioweapon

COVID vaccine death compilation

The weaponized COVID vaccine rollout!!

The COVID-19 death count don’t add up

Vaccines kill hundreds of thousands a week!

The COVID vaccine death toll continues to rise

The agenda to make people sick and kill them off

Final Days – COVID vaccines genocide bio-weapon

COVID-19 scam more genocide signals, breast cancer

COVID was premeditated murder & vaccination is extermination

More Americans died from COVID shots than died in the Civil War

COVID injections will trigger the “next pandemic” murder by injection

David Martin exposes timeline of biggest democide in recorded history

Florida GOP declares COVID vaccines biological weapons, a.k.a. “bioweapons”

Bombshell study finds 74% of COVID vaccine autopsy deaths caused by vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccines: study finds they are linked to increased mortality – Ed Dowd

Dr. Naoki Wolf uncovers Pfizer’s depopulation agenda as evidenced by its own documents

Big Pharma whistleblower exposes DoD and Big Pharma mass genocide OP on American citizens


FDA ignored product safety test 

“This is genocide” – John O’Looney 

Conclusive Evidence VAXX Causing Death 

Exposing the Truth Behind Mass Deaths from COVID Vaccines 

Survivor of the 2013 mRNA kill shot trials

COVID Vaccine are Killing Athletes 

Do Not Take the Vaccine – Media Hiding Tens of Thousands of Vaccine Deaths 

Mass Depopulation Killing & Sterilization!  Vaccines 

Kate Shemirani: A Big Cull is Continuing 

20 million global deaths & 2 billion serious adverse reactions

The pandemic of the vaccinated – Dr. Charles Hoffe

CDC ignores 75 autopsies linking death to Covid jab

Global population reduced by 1 billion since 2021

The plan to kill us via pharmakeia

The tsunami of deaths is here

Vaccine deaths are not silent

VAXXED lose 25 years of life


Excess Death 

The death rate for those aged 18-64 has risen an astonishing 40% over pre-pandemic levels, according to the CEO of Indianapolis-based OneAmerica 

13 million dead from VAX!  Japan experiences shocking excess death rate

Excess mortality continues to climb despite C19 vax mandates and boosters winding 

Ed Dowd and Mike Adams deep dive into excess mortality following COVID vaccines 

Explain the Excess Mortality Numbers Like You Have Never Seen 

CV19 Vaccines and Excess Mortality  (Dr. Peter McCullough) 

What’s Going on with Excess Deaths?  By Neil Oliver 

Correlation between vax uptake & excess deaths 

Alarming trends in excess deaths 

Excess deaths continue  (Dr. John Campbell) 

Injection-related excess deaths 

Sudden increase in deaths was not caused by the Covid-19 virus

There are 2.5 million excess deaths per month in U.S.

Booster increase likelihood of death

Excess deaths   what we’re watching is a cover up

Excess deaths, turbo-cancer and the COVID inquiry sham

5162% increase in excess deaths 


Sudden Death 

Countless People are Beginning to Collapse or Die Suddenly.  What They’re Not Telling You

Why are Healthy People Dying Suddenly Since 2021

Died Suddenly, the documentary 

Died Suddenly critics strike out 

Died Suddenly update 

CHD interview with the makers of “Died Suddenly” 

Sudden deaths due to COVID shot 

It’s an epidemic of sudden deaths 

Dr. Peter McCullough explains what is causing people to die suddenly 

“Sudden Deaths” Continue to Explode at the Beginning of 2023 

Alarming rise in sudden deaths after COVID-19 vaccine

Silk Reveals Diamond Died Suddenly  

Expose Malthusian mindset “Died Suddenly” 

Sudden Deaths in children 

“Cause Unknown”: the epidemic of sudden deaths

Top 3 embalmers expose sudden deaths of the jabbed

Dr. Roger Hodkinson: ”Sudden death syndrome is now the most common cause of death”

A 24 year old woman in Brazil dies suddenly in park while exercising after getting jabbed

Alarming rise in sudden deaths: a disturbing trend

The silent killer: unmasking the COVID-19 vaccine hidden side effects

Vaccinated people are being found dead in their homes

80 Canadian doctors who “died suddenly”

Huge study: VAX causes sudden death



D. Peterson Pierre: Hospitals Payment Scheme Exposed 

”Making a Killing” – Patty Myers reveals how hospital PROTOCOLS are RECIPES FOR MURDER 

”Hospitals Get Paid An Enormous Amount If They Use Remdesivir,” Informed Dr. Peterson Pierre 

Remdesivir – Medical Murder Say Families of Victims 

The Remdesivir Murders Exposed 

Hospitals worldwide filled with vaccinated people 

US Hospitals were paid more for admitting Covid patients & putting them on Remdesivir & ventilators 

They Literally Paid Hospitals To Kill You / Question Is Do You Trust Them Now? 

The hospital killed her Grandma for $30,000 

Hospitals murdering people for money 

Think hospitals have not and are not killing patients for cash?  Listen to this breakdown of $

Clear explanation of how hospitals are paid to kill patients

Nurses and doctors knowingly murdered patients using Remdesivir

Hospitals are body banks   The cash-money murder protocol

Murder protocols: Hospital kill floor policies exposed

Hospitals were paid for any Covid-19 related death

Whistleblowers expose hospital Covid kill floors 

How hospitals became Covid killing fields

Ventilators killed nearly all Covid patients

The Covid-19 murder for money scheme

“The nurses became the paid assassins” 

Hospital CDC protocol killings



Children are Dying

They Want Our Children Dead 

Plan with Virus to Kill Children

The governments war on children  

Child death rate up 755% over normal 

Youth Stroke and Heart Attacks are Up 

Big Pharma’s Deadly child experiments

Vaccines are being used to “kill children” 

691% Increase in Deaths Among Children 

COVID vaccines kill and maim young people 

Embalmers – mass baby & young adult deaths 

100s of Thousands of Excess Deaths (children) 

Poor health outcomes plague vaccinated children 

Vaxed kids much more likely to die than unvaxed

Don’t Vaccinate Your Children with COVID-Vaccines

17% of Children Show Heart Problems from Vaccine 

“We can’t find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated”

Only 15 people decide what vaccines your child needs

Excess Mortality Rate for Ages 0 – 14 is Sky Rocketing 

Dr. Geert vanden Bossche: Don’t Vaccinate Your Child 

Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla lied about mRNA for children  

How pediatricians make big money from pushing vaccines 

Baby & Toddler deaths up 700% after Covid Shots Approved

Covid Shots Kill Four Children per Hour – Dr. David E. Martin

Pfizered to Death by Stupid Parents.  Killed Her in Just 7 Days 

US Child vaccines are poison, causing breathing, neuro & blood disorders 

Twelve infants perish in clinical trial for RSV shot – FDA recommends anyway 

This is What Anthony Fauci did to Us and Our Children  (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)

Dr. Peter McCullough – He Testifies Under Oath that mRNA Injection Kills Children 

Millions of Children to be Murdered as FDA and CDC Approve Covid Vaccine for Children

Pediatric cardiologist speaks out child heart issues explode as post jab massacre begins 

If You Want Your Child to be 100 Times More Likely to Die in the Next Six or Seven Months

Dr. Yeadon Warns: Children 50 Times More Likely to Die from Covid Vaccine than from Virus 

UK children hit with myocarditis and other heart problems after COVID shot

Casket Salesman Sounds the Alarm. They Sold 5 Years Worth of Childrens’s Caskets in 7 Months.

Covid-19 vaccines will injure & kill more children than abortion ever did says David Martin

A young boys life is destroyed by his parents and the pharmakeia of the mRNA shot

Killing babies & children even the unborn, business as usual for vaccine pushers 

Cells from babies murdered in the 1960s used in vaccines

Not one healthy child should take these Covid Vaccines

Pediatricians have financial incentive to vaccinate

Vax deaths are soaring! – children are targeted

535,000 young Americans dead from VAX !

Statistics on all childhood vaccines 

CDC data shows over 118,000 children died suddenly after injections


Leaked hospital email reveals explosion of stillbirths following COVID vaccine rollout 

John O’Looney explains how the hospitals are covering up excess baby deaths

COVID Vaccines – the Devastating Impact on Pregnant Women and Their Babies

Canadian Data Shows Huge Fetal Death Increase in Vaxxed Mothers 

Doctors Admit Increase in Miscarriages Following COVID Injections

Still births skyrocketing from 6 per year to over 20 per month 

13 COVID vaccine still born babies in 24 hours, 1 hospital 

Defending your child’s right against forced vaccination 

Dr. Ryan Cole discusses placenta’s sent to him 

Injecting aluminum: CDC vaccine schedule 

74% of vaccinated women are miscarrying 

What’s Happening to Babies of the Vaxxed

Nurse speaking out about babies & jab 

Nurse exposes fetal death coverup 

Naomi Wolf details her latest jaw-dropping findings regarding Pfizer’s bioweapon injections

New research reveals 57 fold increase in miscarriages & 38 fold increase in still births

Pfizer’s vaccine pregnancy & lactation cumulative review reveals damning data

Vaxxed moms birthing babies with defects & myocarditis

Brave courageous nurse speaks out about dead babies

Pfizer, FDA & CDC knew dire harm to babies

Declining birth rates worldwide


Permanent Suppression of Natural Immunity

The EU Finally Admits the Vaccine Destroys Your Immune System Completely

Peer Reviewed Study Finds Repeat Boosters Destroy Immune System

mRNA Suppresses the Immune System

VAIDS Takes Off  (VAIDS = Vaccine Induced AIDS)

VAIDS from all the shots and boosters

VAIDS is Forever

Vaccines Will Destroy Your Immune System

Study Finds mRNA Jabs Suppress Immune System

Pfizer Covid Vaccine has 1,291 Side Effects 

Doctor speaks out – this is what the vaxx does to your body

Dr. Bonnie Mallard on vaccines and natural ways to boost your immunity

Why are they not telling us about strengthening our natural immune system ? 

New data shows how the vaccines can harm your immune system

Unvaccinated individuals have immune systems strength



Could the COVID vaccine be causing cancer ? 

Cancer rates exploding after death jab rollout 

Cancer explodes after vax 

Stage 4 cancer has gone from being a rare initial diagnosis to the normal since the jab

The VAX causes cancer!  Massive increase in cancer 

Turbo cancers skyrocket in young people

SV40 revealed in the vaccines, excess military cancer rates

CDC confirms: vax caused 338X increase in cancer! – auto immune disorders skyrocket

Thousands of youtubers who pushed COVID jabs now have turbo cancers

Pfizer caught hiding SV40 cancer promoter in C19 shots


Democide – government-sponsored murder 

Intent to harm – evidence of the conspiracy to commit mass murder by the U.S. DOD, HHS, pharma 

Dr. David Martin the W.H.O. are programming the public to accept a global genocide of humanity 

It Only Took 12 Deaths to Pull a Vaccine Off the Market in 1976 . . . What Changed? 

The COVID-19 fraud and war on humanity Part 1) 

The COVID-19 fraud and war on humanity Part 2) 

The COVID-19 fraud and war on humanity Part 3) 

They Lied About the Fraud COVID Vaccine

Inside DOD mass genocide operation 

Also viewable on Bitchute.com: 

Corrupt officials betraying public trust for Pharma’s blood money

Government’s involvement in the weaponization of coronavirus

The Myocarditis Weapon & the DARPA/NIH Experiment

Too late CDC admits clot shot causes myocarditis



The Horrific Reality of What We Now Know About Vaxxed Sperm and Vaxxed Embryos

What was in those shots ?  What about sterilization 

Naomi Wolf on VAXXED victims mass infertility 

The spike protein causes infertility?

Fertility rates plummeting – VAXXED  

Infertility by vaccines  (CHD Films) 

War on fertility: Germany & Sweden birth rates crash 

Alarming drop in birthrates and fertility among mRNA vaccinated women 

Gov Data Shows Fertility Crashes 9 Months After Vaccine

Vaxxed Sperm No Longer Swims, Embryos No Longer Grow. Miscarriages up 7-8 times average

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda 

More on fertility & the Covid injections

Fertility crisis: Top OBGYN slams Pfizers deadly plot against

Women beware: vaccines may harm your reproductive system

Vaccination is not immunization, it is extermination and sterilization says Judy Mikovits



COVID disinformation arrests begin 

Mel K & Dr. Richard Fleming (Justice for crimes against humanity) 

Dr. Robert Malone talks mRNA, FDA criminality 

Nuremburg 2.0 military tribunals 

Media begs for forgiveness – millions are dead 

Vaxtard jab pushers want COVID amnesty for their crimes against humanity . . . NO 

COVID amnesty?  Not a chance in Hell 

Prosecution for murder: holding doctors and hospitals accountable

Funeral Director John O’Looney – “I wanna see them hang”

Covid 19 bio weapon exposed – its time to arrest . . . 

Punish the Covid liars – Dr. Paul Alexander


Damage to the Medical Profession 

Medical doctors have lost all credibility. Their loyalty is to drug companies, not you 

Health care is worse today than it was 50 years ago 

Doctor explains the coercion, persecution and terrorism used against doctors to make them comply 

How US Hospitals are Murdering Patients for Profit

Canadian doctors are dying at 4X prior rate under 40, 8X prior rate under 30 

1900 doctors dead and counting 

Canadian (vaxxed) doctors are dying like flies 

Doctors under the age of 30 are dying at 8X the rate 

Finally a doctor who tells the truth

Public health is militarized creating kill zones for global depopulation

Frontline doctor warns that medical Marxism is here

The death of blind faith & trust in the medical system

At least 132 Canadian doctors have died suddenly or unexpectedly since Covid-19 vaccine roll out



Autopsies Confirm: The Fingerprints of the Vaccine are Everywhere in the Body

Learn Why the Dam is Breaking on COVID Vaccine Damages and Deaths

The bioweapon was used to implement the kill shot 

Lucrative new medical specialty emerging: purposely killing patients for a fee 

LIVE with Dr. Richard Fleming 

Uniformed Consent (documentary) 

Dr. Mike Yeadon on depopulation 

Mass murder for money 

Biggest scandal of our lifetime is about to get much worse 

The funeral home business is booming while insurance companies are taking a big hit 

Most Overwhelming Evidence About the Link Between Vaccines and Cardiac Problems

VAX Nation – COVID vaccines plandemic documentary 

Depopulation by Vaccines documentary 

The truth about IVERMECTIN miracle drug 

Foul play with ventilators  (Dr. Mike Yeadon) 

UN Agenda 2030 – Dr. Mike Yeadon 

A message to the unvaccinated 

Driving While Injected 

Ex-Big Pharma representative telling the truth 

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Tsunami of Regret!

Catastrophic Rise in Heart Attacks.  What Could it Be ?

COVID Injections and Collapsing Athletes

The Elephant on the Field  (Dr. Peter McCullough)

More women are dying from cervical cancer since the Gardasil vaccine was introduced 

The Undeniable Proof that COVID Injections are Dangerous & Causing #CollapsingAthletes 

Global Depopulation in Full Swing as Adult Death Syndrome Skyrockets 

Professor Astrid Stuckeberger on Why They Want to Access the Blood Brain Barrier 

Heart Surgeon Discovers Blood Clots in a Fully Vaccinated 40-Year-Old Athlete 

73 Million Americans Think They Know Somebody Who Died from the COVID Jab 

Docs Reveal COVID-19 Cover-Up Which Goes All the Way to the Top 

Another Vax Pushing Doctor Dead.  He was Fully Vaxxed 

Vaccine Damage Proven by Autopsies and Not Rare 

3.5 Billion Got Jabbed.  We Will be Impacted for Many Generations 

A BioWeapon Masquerading as a Vaccine 

The accelerating aging among the vaxxed is shocking

This is where aluminum goes into your body after vaccination

Think mercury isn’t still being used in vaccines ?

Dr. David Martin exposes Covid as a biological warfare crime !

Thermographic imaging shows massive blood clots in the asymptomatic vaxxed

Ivermectin acknowledged by Australian research that it cures Covid

Genetically transformed forever

Truth about Spanish flu.  It was the vaccine that killed everyone

They are using fear to control us – Dr. Rashid Buttar

Dr. Rashid Buttar murdered for airing this video

Dr. David Martin speech at the EU Covid-19 summit

Vaccine stories you were never told

China banned Pfizer’s mRNA tech   FDA labeled safe

Covid vaccination = mark of the beast

Dr. Peter Gotzsche exposes Big Pharma as organized crime

Calling on law enforcement to seize all vaccine bioweapons

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s view about the Covid-19 vaccine

Some vaccines have mercury, some aluminum 

Here’s why Covid vaccine pushers also support child mutilations and medical murder

Viruses don’t make anyone sick !

Genetic editing of plants to contain edible vaccines

Drugging the food supply

Covid-19 vax is a murder campaign !

U.S. doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid

mRNA being injected into our food supply

The unvaccinated won’t be unvaccinated for long with mRNA in the food supply

Force jabbing humanity with mRNA in food supply

Covidism – Contagious Deception

Dr. Sam Bailey: runaway virology

Shocking words from Pfizer’s former Vice President

This is what the vaxx does to your body

Demon strikes another vaxxed bus driver

Very important information about vaccines

Steven Rubin PhD exposes the VAERS system

Exposed:  Death Stab

Twitter response to the NHS clotshot campaign

The Covid-19 vaccine was a huge cashflow

Major update on Covid vaccine injuries: US government starts paying

Greatest crime against humanity in human history

The Pfizer documents contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in human history

What’s in the Pfizer documents?   Naomi Wolf

Lethal Injection: the story of vaccination

Whistleblowers leak bombshell vaccine evidence

Project Veritas and Pfizer gain of function research

Epidemic of parasite like clots in deceased jabbed

Covid-19 vaccine was the perfect product of Pfizer

All Covid jab deaths are murder or suicide

26 videos showing people collapsing on live television

Just how destructive Covid injections may be

Why the depopulation agenda is real and what we can do

Every time someone says people need to be vaccinated . . . ask them this question

Once you vaccinate, you cannot unvaccinate

All vaccines, not just mRNA are bioweapons

Pfizer to judge: We delivered the fraud the government ordered

Leaked govt. messages reveal Covid was planned

Bioweapon jab spreads throughout entire body

A message to the jabbed by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Jab recipients are walking dead   Dr. Ana Mihalcea

CDC confirms that majority of fatal Covid vaccines were knowingly sent to red states

Sasha Latypova reveals DOD control of Covid plandemic and mRNA “vaccine” bioweapon

CV19 vax an ongoing global criminal experiment  (Karen Kingston)

Researcher Karen Kingston reveals Covid-19 vaccines to be deliberate biological weapons

Karen Kingston’s been marked for death for revealing Pfizer has no immunity

Karen Kingston poisoned

Karen Kingston flees U.S.

Horrific news from autopsies of dead vaccinated people

Vaxxines are shortening life spans according to the CDC 

7 out of 10 embalmers find huge fibrous clots in the dead

Vaccinators can give lethal C19 shots

Plandemic depopulation plan exposed

Red states received bad vaccines !

Reiner Fuellmich’s ‘coronaviruses’

VAX induced heart attack edition

1918 Spanish flu caused by vaxx

Virology’s unproven assumptions

Covid-19 was a financial heist

Deagel predicts depopulation

Virology’s treachery

Unvaxxed [2023] 

Also viewable on Bitchute.com: 

Breaking Point – Episode – vaccines

“The COVID vaccine is the greatest fraud I’ve ever seen”

Dr. Steve Hotze: DARPA nano-technology injections

The Pfizer/DoD kill shot global coup

COVID was an act of war against the human race

Vaccination deaths now suddenly heat deaths

Tsunami of science showing COVID vax damages the heart

$60 billion a year selling vaccines . . . $500 billion a year treating the vaccine injuries

2,000 athletes – collapsing, heart problems, blood clots

Silent killer – asymptomatic myocarditis is not rare

Remdesivir – medical murder say families of victims

Jabs caused 3000X more heart damage than thought!

Yes, Fauci, Bill Gates & these scientists lied to you about COVID

Ban the jab resolution goes mainstream

Todd Callender interviews Dr. Mike Yeadon

They stopped the swine flu vaxx after 12 deaths

Ed Dowd drops bombshell data: hematological (blood related) claims up 522% above trend in 2022

Thermographic imaging shows massive blood clots in the vaxxed

Mind boggling pre BS19 vaccinated vs unvaccinated study

How Big Pharma sold us a vaccine we didn’t need

Funeral Director with 40+ years experience testifies about abnormalities in embalming since COVID

Crooks in the FDA & Big Pharma caught colluding to push dangerous untested shots – beyond criminal

Graphene oxide & nano-vaccines

What COVID mRNA vaccine graphene oxide reverse transcribe DNA can do

The gigantic vaccination murder: fatal batches were sent specifically to Republican U.S. states

Leading doctor exposes truth about anti-Ivermectin propaganda

COVID was an act of war against the human race

Muscleman Jo Linder dies after post-vaccine clotting

Popular TV actress Katrina Pavelek dead after VAX

Lethal vaxx targeted to Red states

Dr Stefan Lanka on the fraudulent nature of Virology and their vaccines

MSM admit Pfizer and Moderna vaccines heart inflammation link

Doctor finally admits that America was lied to about COVID-19 – it was all a sham

Pfizer & Big Pharma knew this is premeditated murder

Everything they told you about COVID was a lie

Post-vaccine suicides: extremely terrifying trend emerges

More VAERS mass deletions, OpenVAERS.com



How can they know unless someone tells them ?   reference Romans 10:14-15


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Ulf Bittner

Ulf Bittner, en av tre i arbetsgruppen AMBU

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